Could we have spent less money?

Could we have spent less money?

Now that I have totaled up the whole trip to myrtle beach me and the husband both agreed that the amount spent really wasn’t horrible. The total number was $1,724 for 4 people for 7 days. But after thinking about it more I do think there were some places that I...
Vacation Etiquette

Vacation Etiquette

      This is one of those things that should not need to be discussed yet here we are.  Being on vacation should be a nice, peaceful, and relaxing time but unfortunately you end up being around some of the most disrespectful people who should have just stayed home.  ...

The Good, The Bad, The OK of Sunday

Waking up on Sunday and finding out it finally stopped raining was amazing. But it was going to be an overcast day and a little chilly, oh well might as well make the best of it. Time to wake the girls and head downstairs for our free breakfast. The Good We had...

The Good, The Bad, The OK of Saturday

As it continued to rain throughout the day on Saturday indoor activities were the only way to go. Luckily I had already picked out a couple of indoor places in the planning stage. So this is how I came up with the segment of the good, the bad the OK. We visited enough...
Snow, Rain, and savings along the way

Snow, Rain, and savings along the way

     For our first trip let me talk about the drive to Kentucky.  We watched the weather for many days before the drive and we knew at some point through the drive we were going to run into some snow.  Because apparently mother nature wants us to have 10 winters this...