Bonus App, verydice

Bonus App, verydice

Win prizes Verydice is different from the other apps that I have written about.You can win prizes or gift cards. All you have to do is roll the dice to get points, when you roll the dice what ever number you roll you get that number in what they call tickets.  ...
Have you heard of Honey?

Have you heard of Honey?

So I saw an article about a place called Honey, in comparison it’s kind of like Ebates. Decided to do a google search. First off don’t just type in like I did it will just bring you to a website about honey, which is actually a very...
Could we have spent less money?

Could we have spent less money?

Now that I have totaled up the whole trip to myrtle beach me and the husband both agreed that the amount spent really wasn’t horrible. The total number was $1,724 for 4 people for 7 days. But after thinking about it more I do think there were some places that I...

The Good, The Bad, The OK of Sunday

Waking up on Sunday and finding out it finally stopped raining was amazing. But it was going to be an overcast day and a little chilly, oh well might as well make the best of it. Time to wake the girls and head downstairs for our free breakfast. The Good We had...