Hello to all my fellow money savers out there. My name is Dreama and welcome to Barter and Shake.   Barter and Shake came about from a long and storied beginning.  No it didn’t!   It is a domain name that we bought long ago for some reason.  Possibly to make a business that was centered around bartering rather than buying or paying for services.  The idea was sound but the ability to put it into practice was not.  The domain name sat around gathering dust for a few years.

Now a little about me and the family, my husband and I have talked about traveling more and now that the kids are getting older and leaving the nest one by one we can do this. This blog is going to follow our traveling and eating adventures and how to do it by being frugal.   Not everyone is into traveling but just about everyone is into eating.  This is also going to follow how we are going to transition from having jobs to making money and living off of our passion for life.

I will be the one that plans the trips, including hotels, activities, where we will eat, and the main blogger. I will be sharing the good and the bad (hopefully there will not be many bad) of every trip.

Joel Taking a PictureThis is my husband Joel, he will be the awesome photographer and chauffeur, as well as blogging with me.  He loves photography and will be taking and displaying pictures of our adventures.

As we are getting older we have discovered that we want life to be a journey and not a destination.  Every day that we wait to get going on that journey is a day that is wasted.

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Columbus, Ohio USA Planet Earth

We are open everyday.  We do sleep from time to time and there are other times we may not respond right away.   If you do get in touch with us we will respond as quickly as we can. You can find us on facebook or use the contact us form

Barter And Shake Look at the World

We are not out to change the world.   Just to change the way you may look at things in this world.    Things happen in life and sometimes you have to decide to make a change.  Do you want to come along for the ride?

Let us know what you are thinking we could love to hear from you.

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