Shiba Inu Vs. Mega MIllionsShiba Inu or the Lottery.  Which is a better way to spend some money.  Many people would say that playing the lottery is just wasting some money.  While that may be true. There is the possibility, no matter how slim it is, that you could hit the jackpot. I would not count on that for retirement but it is a possibility.

This is going to be an experiment to see how things play out if I spend that money on something other than the lottery.  In this case Shiba Inu.  Some might say that investing in Shiba Inu is throwing money away like with the lottery.  This experiment will be a test to see how that turns out.  I am fairly certain we will have more money when we finish then we would have had playing the lottery.  I think it will also be a bit more fun.

12 Month Experiment

This is going to be a 12 month experiment that compares one risky investment against another.   You always hear that buying a lottery ticket is pretty much just throwing your money away.  It is  difficult to disagree with that.  I do enjoy buying lottery tickets. Then looking at the numbers to see how it turns out.  I have been playing lottery games like Mega Millions and Power Ball for a long time.  So far I have not won the jackpot.  Or ever gotten more than three numbers correct.  I won $10 by getting those three numbers correct.  This is basically giving you 5 free plays.

Over the years that I have been playing that was my biggest win.  I have probably averaged about $12 of winning in the big jackpot drawings over the years.  Not a great return on my investment.   Basically I have been paying out money for the entertainment value.

Shiba Inu Vs Lottery what we already know

We already know how much money will be invested

We know the time length of the investment experiment.

This it to see where we end up with Shiba Inu compared to playing the lottery.

The investment will be $2 on Tuesday and $2 on Friday for $4 a week.

Over the course of 52 weeks that will be a tidal of $208 invested

In the last full year I played the lottery. The same $208 was spent. I Won $12 for a loss of $196. There was the chance of winning the jackpot. Clearly that did not happen.

Getting ready for the test

For this to work out it really had to be as low cost as possible to make the purchases.  Now that Shiba Inu is listed on Robinhood that gives me to avenue to do the test and see what happens.  It could be done with paying fees but that would make it much more complicated.  I really wanted to make this as simple as possible.

I have some other Shiba Inu in my Coinbase wallet but this experiment will be completely separate from that.

How the Shiba Inu purchase will work

For this experiment I will be making a $2 Shiba Inu purchase twice a week. On every Tuesday and every Friday. Those were the  two days each week that I would buy my lottery tickets. I will try to do the purchase close to the same time of day. This will try to keep it on a somewhat even playing field.
The object here is to show how dollar cost averaging works and how it can work to your favor. At least I hope!!

When I will cash out

I will keep a running log of how the value is fluctuating. I think that it will be very interesting to see what happens. The key for me is to not worry about any gains or losses as we are doing this. There will be no out point where I will take my profits and run.  This will be truly to compare the value at the end of the 12 months to what I might have had from playing the lottery.  We already know that the prospect from the lottery was not a whole lot.

I will amend that with if by some crazy chance during this experiment, say half way in, Shiba Inu hits $100 a coin and I have several hundred thousand shiba inu by then. If that happens the experiment is done and I am cashing out. I would put the chance of that happening as worse than me hitting the Mega Millions Jackpot.  Yet there is a chance.

In order for this to work the Shiba Inu will have to be purchased in an environment that has little or no cost to it.  For this I will be using Robinhood.  It is very easy to use and it is the only financial service I use that will let you buy Shiba Inu with no fees.

There will by two experiments going on at the same time.  I will be making a Shiba Inu purchase every Tuesday and Friday.  Louis will be making a Shiba Inu purchase every Wednesday and Saturday.  We will compare the difference between those purchases and see how it ends up.

I will have a running chart of the test progress for each of us.  It will update it twice a week when we make our Shiba Inu purchase.

Chart for Joel can be found here

Chart for Louis can be found here

Here is to hoping that this turns well.  In any case it will still be an interesting experiment to see how things turn out.

Please remember this is for entertainment purposes only  Shiba Inu is NOT a path to retirement.


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