MyPointsMyPoints has been around since 1996.  It was one of the first paid to read email companies that came around.  It has changed a bit since then but it has been doing well and people have been making money from it.  You are not going to get rich and it is not going to replace your full time job.  You can however make some extra money.

This is one that if you sign up for it I will make some money.   You can sign up by going here.  

My Point is very simple to use.  You can make money by reading the emails that are sent to you. Doing tasks.  Taking surveys.  Watching Videos.  Following on Facebook to get extra points.  Also by buying things from certain places.  Each one of these items do not by them selves give you very many points.  If you do  little of each of them every day then the points can add up pretty quickly. 

There are several different ways that you can earn points.

Monthly Goal – each month MyPoints does a monthly goal list.  There are several options that you have to pick from where you can decide what your goal is going to be.  If you achieve the goal then you get some bonus points.  They say you can get up to 1000 bonus points which would be really nice.  I don’t really see how that is possible.  I usually get between 50 and 100 bonus points.  The key here is to make sure  you set reasonable goals so that you can get the Bonus.

Daily 5 – The daily 5 is a five point bonus you can get each day by completing five tasks.  Sometimes it is difficult to complete other times it is pretty simple.  I always try to complete the 5 tasks since five free points can add up over time.  

Search and Earn – This is where I seem to accumulate the most points.  You do your web searches from the MyPoints search page.  After a certain amount of time you will get some points for doing a search. The points can varie.  From 9 point which seems to be the most common points award I get up to 150 points.  I dno’t know that I have ever gotten the 150 but I have gotten in the 130’s several times.  The more searches that you do the more points that you will accumulate.

Surveys –  With the surveys if you can qualify for them you will earn more points then you do with the search and earn.  The problem I have with the Surveys is that a lot of the time I do not qualify.  I do check in from time to time and try a survey.  If you have ever done a survey site then you know what I mean.  It is difficult to quality and sometimes you spend a lot of time thinking that you are doing the survey and it turns out it was just trying to qualify you for the survey.

Watching Videos – You can watch a video playlist.  There are a few categories that you can choose from.  You can watch as many videos each day that you would like.  You are limited to accumulation 500 points watching videos any given day.  I do not see any way that anyone would be able to do that.  When I set up my goals for the daily 5 I usually select 5 – 10 videos for my goal.  Some of them are really long and for me don’t seem worth the points.  Some of them do not play correctly so you have to select another one.  This is one that could be really good if they would fix the issues with the videos.

Reading e-mails – These emails come to te email address you used to sign up for MyPoints.  For emails that pay for reading you get 5 points.  You will not get points for every email. Some of them you have to click on the link and if you buy something you get points based on how much you spent.  This is another one that is worth the points but could be better.  I would like it if you got the five points for every email that MyPoints sent to you.  

Complete and NCrave – NCrave is similar to watching videos.  They are different ads or news stories for different things.  Some of them are interactive and some of them you can just watch and not have to do much.  Other than Watching… 😀  These I am able to complete a lot of them every day.  I can have them running while I am watching tv.   The points for these are usually 2 or 3 and it takes about 10 minutes to complete each one.  So not a lot of points but over time they can really add up.

Buying Things from Participating web sites – There are a lot of sites that are affiliated with MyPoints.  This is a benefit to you since you can get great deals on products while also getting points in your MyPoints account.  If you have stuff you already want to buy and you buy it through MyPoints then it is a win win for you.  Get a good price and then points toward he next reward you want from the MyPoints store.

 You can sign up by going here.  

It is an easy process to sign up.  It does not affect you negatively to try it out.  

Pros of My Points

  • Easy to use
  • Lots of Options
  • Can do in Spare Time
  • Extra Money or Gift Cards

Cons of MyPoints

  • Not all Emails you get have Points
  • Sometimes Videos crash and you have to start over
  • Some Months Daily 5 Difficult to get


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