The second app I use the most is Receipt Hog, I just upload the same receipts I use for Fetch Rewards. Receipt Hog is a lot like Fetch Rewards.   The main difference is that you can scan in pretty much any receipt. There are no referrals for this one but I feel it is a good enough app to let you in on it.  Since it is easy and you can use the same receipts it is a win win.

Examples of how you get coins

How you get your points (coins)  is for any receipt you upload you get 10 coins. Scan in any type of receipt you get and more than likely you will get 10 coins.  You really should scan them all in.  The worst thing that can happen is that it will tell you that you can’t get points for that one.  It has happened a few times but not very often.  The only way to know for sure is to scan them all in.

There is also a slot machine where you will get free spins for certain items you scan in.   Like when you level up or from uploading receipts from certain stores. I like the slot machine, you don’t get many coins but it’s fun to do. You also get sweepstakes entry for receipts. I have been entered many times and have not won yet, so I am not really sure what you can win.  But since it is a bonus there is no downside to it.  It just adds another way that you could benefit from using this app.

There are three ways to  get your rewards, an Amazon gift card, Visa gift card, or through paypal. You can cash out at 1,000 coins for $5.00, 2,900 coins for $15.00, 4,300 coins for $25.00, and 6,500 coins for $40.00. When you cash in your coins it can take up to 7 days to get your gift card.

If you missed it you can read part 1 here

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