So I saw an article about a place called Honey, in comparison it’s kind of like Ebates. Decided to do a google search. First off don’t just type in like I did it will just bring you to a website about honey, which is actually a very interesting site that I have  bookmarked and will revisit later. The website is actually This is a direct link to my referral page and if you use it through this I will get 5 bucks, so can you use the link for me The first thing you need to do is get the honey button. Then you create an account, I just joined with Facebook because it is just easier and I don’t have to remember any log ins 😉

There is a huge variety of stores, I searched the stores my daughter shops at the most and they have some pretty big savings. Between ebates and Honey there is pretty much every store covered. I wanted to try this site before I published this article and it was pretty easy to use. As soon as you check  out a screen pops up and it will put all the discounts in for you. I ended up getting $10.00 off a pair of shoes that my daughter wanted and Honey even found a free shipping code that saved another $5.00. I think I’m really going to like this site!!

 There is also a section called honey travel all the hotels have a savings between 5 and 10% so the next time we go somewhere I will give that a try.

You will also receive honey gold points every 1,000 honey gold you get can be turned in for $10.00 gift cards. The gift cards that are available right now are, Amazon, Nordstrom, Walmart, Target, Groupon, Ebay, Sephora, Brookstone, Sears, Charity Choice, and 1-800 Flowers

 So go ahead and join getting any type of savings is good enough for me to give it a try. Don’t forget to use my referral, I would appreciate it and happy shopping.

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