Now that I have totaled up the whole trip to myrtle beach me and the husband both agreed that the amount spent really wasn’t horrible. The total number was $1,724 for 4 people for 7 days. But after thinking about it more I do think there were some places that I could have shaved more money off of. So in this section I’m just going to go day by day and figure out specifically what could have been eliminated from that day.

We left on a Saturday and the drive there was an ok drive. We didn’t spend any money on breakfast, lunch or drinks because I packed all that. Only spent money on filling the tank on the actual drive. We arrived in Myrtle Beach and got all checked in to our condo got all our stuff inside and inspected it. It was a nice condo and well worth the price we paid for it. The first trip was off to the grocery store, now this is where the first place where I could have saved money.  There was at least $20.00 worth of items that we really did not need. For your first trip to the store just get what is necessary to get through the first night or two. You can take a trip back  to the store if there is other stuff you need. Some things I bought I ended up having to pack back home with us.  Another thing I ended up needing to spend money on were sheets for the bed. Yes I brought sheets like I said but I brought the wrong size, so if I would have paid attention I could have saved $25.00. So just by looking back on the first day there was at least $45.00 that could have been saved.

On Sunday we went to Broadway by the Beach we were going to go to a place called Wonder Works. Not  knowing what it was even like we went in and someone explained the place to us and after listening and hear the price of $30.00 per person, which would have been $120.00 for the four of us, we decided that this place was not worth it for us. So technically we did save $120.00. 🙂 The other place on Sunday that we should have stayed away from was Margaritavillle. We were going to go last year but there was an almost 2 hour wait so we didn’t and we should have not went this  year either. The prices were extremely high, a salad was $16.00,  a club sandwich was $15.50 and 2 cheeseburgers in paradise (which they were not) was $27.00. Our bill for 4 was just over $65.00. Not only were the prices high but the food really wasn’t that good either. We did find it funny that we were looking for our lost shaker of salt, as every table had one but ours. After the fries were completely cold the waitress finally came over and we asked her for one. She brought one over and it was the sea salt type where you have to unscrew the cap and take the paper tab off, yeah she didn’t do that either. The lady that walks around on stilts and does balloon animals came to our table  we said we didn’t want any and as she walked away she called us party poopers. On this day $65.00 could have been saved and if we go back next year we will not be visiting this place.

Monday we had a trip planned to Savannah, our daughter will be attended school there in the fall. This was a necessary side trip. I have went through all the details of this this trip and I don’t see any place where we could have  saved any money. We stopped by Mcdonalds for breakfast and the bill was $25.00 for 4 people. The tour around the school we didn’t have to pay for.  By the time we were done though we were starving and ended up at Mellow Mushroom, now we have never eaten there before even though we have one in the city we live in. The food there is the best we have had so far. Had an uneventful drive back to Myrtle Beach, the kids had their leftovers so we didn’t even have to stop for any snacks.

Tuesday my husband and I woke early for sunrise on the beach, it is our anniversary so on this day we didn’t watch our spending.  We went out for dinner, we walked, to a place called International Cafe, the food was ok just typical bar food.  We left there and headed down the street and ended up at bar called Ducks, one door was blocked by people standing so we went down a little farther to the next door and went in. As we sat there waiting for our drinks we realized we went in the wrong damn door, we  were on the restaurant side.  We did see that a table opened up outside so we paid our tab and moved outside where a guy was singing.  We met an interesting group while we were out there and they sat with us throughout the time the man was out there singing.  When the guy outside stopped singing we decided to go inside to the bar side and I am so happy we did, that was the most fun  we had in along time. There was a live band and tons of dancing going on.  If you are ever in North Myrtle Beach I would highly recommend going to Ducks. We will definitely  go back next year.

I have gotten to Tuesday so far and all I can see that we could have saved more was just a little over $100.00.   For the rest of the week I’m going to go back through my notes and see if there was anything else I missed where we could have saved more money.

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