For our first trip let me talk about the drive to Kentucky.  We watched the weather for many days before the drive and we knew at some point through the drive we were going to run into some snow.  Because apparently mother nature wants us to have 10 winters this year and even though it’s spring, it’s really not.  It’s winter part 10, 11, or 12 who knows I have lost count.  At this point I’m pretty tired of the crappy weather as a matter of fact as I’m typing this we are having snow flurries and it is April 4th!!!!  UGH!!!

     The first part of the trip was actually quite nice, the girls were sound asleep and the husband and I just got to look around and talk.  Then we hit Kentucky and BOOM here is the snowstorm.  Not just some small snowflakes an all out violent snowstorm.  Joel took it like a trooper, good thing he was driving, I on the other hand was a nervous wreck.  I’m not even sure how many times I hit my imaginary brake, but I tried to do it without anyone noticing.  We drove through that for awhile not even sure how long it actually was.  As soon as we passed the snow it went straight into a slush/rain then into just rain.  It continued to rain for the rest of our drive.  Finally we make it to our destination Bowling Green, Kentucky. P.S It rained all day and into the night on Saturday.

     My saving money hack for driving to a destination is pack a cooler of soda, water, or whatever your family drinks it’s a lot cheaper then stopping at a gas station along the way.  You can get a 6 pack of soda for the price of 1.  I also packed some food items I already had at home, bagels, cream cheese, granola bars, and chips.  If the weather was going to be nicer I would have packed sandwiches and we would have stopped at a rest area and had lunch.  Much cheaper and a better view then stopping at a fast food restaurant.  For the whole way to Kentucky we did not stop at any gas stations or restaurants, only stopped at rest stops.  Now that saved us at least $25.00.

Fun Fact

     One of the things we talked about on the way to Kentucky was where exactly the time change takes place.  Google search did not come up with a definite answer.  We just happened to stop at a rest stop that showed exactly where the time change occurs.  I-65 mile marker 60 Horse Cave , KY.

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